Wednesday, April 3, 2013

One Evil Wizard

Step by step the two travelers pushed on against the wind and pounding rain.
Luther shouted to Tolwen, “Can’t you make this storm go away?”
“Nobody controls the weather not even a wizard.”
“How about some kind of shelter then?”
“That I can do”, with that Tolwen shouted an incantation and pointed to nearby clearing and steady tent appeared. The two made their way to the tent, once inside they shook their cloths to get rid of the rain and to get the cold from their bones. Tolwen pointed to a large rock just outside the tent and the rock reappeared in the center of the tent and it began to glow and give off much needed heat. The two sat on the ground cuddling about the glowing stone.
Luther said, “No that’s much better.”
“Yes, it sure is better, but I think we need some food to help warm us from the inside out.” With the wave of his hand two plates appeared with meat and fruits.
Luther smiled, “There are advantages to traveling with a wizard.”
“And there are advantages to being a wizard my friend.”
The two sat and enjoyed the bounty of food. After they finished Tolwen said an incantation and mattes and thick blankets appeared. They settled down for some sleep.

As the morning sun raise in the east the walls of the tent begin to bellow and the ground began to shake. Luther was the first to stir and see the tent walls. Luther reached over and shook Tolwen. Tolwen awoke with a start, looking about he ordered Luther out of the tent. Both men scrambled to their feet and headed out of the tent. Once outside with the ground still shaking Luther asked, “What is it?”
“I’m not sure but it feels like wizardry.”
“It must be a very powerful wizard to shake the ground.”
“Yes, very powerful.”

As suddenly as it had started the ground suddenly stopped shaking, but the wind suddenly gusted and on the wind the sweet sound of a flute floated through the air.
Tolwen listed to the music a minute before looking at Luther, “It can’t be him.”
“Him, who are talking about?”
“Komaris, a truly powerful and evil wizard, but he died many years ago.”

The sound of the flute grew louder and the wind increased in speed and gusts.
Luther shouted to be heard above the wind, “I thought you said no one could control the weather?”
“It’s not the weather he’s controlling the wind that is two different things.”
Tolwen bowed his head and whispered an incantation and the wind seemed to lessen in intensity. Luther could feel the winds force lessen but the trees around them were still being blown around by the wind. Luther realized that Tolwen had created a shield about them to protect them from the force of the wind.  Luther knew Tolwen was a powerful wizard but had no idea that he could create such a thing. The sound of the flute grew louder and louder even over the sound of the wind whipping by them. All of a sudden the wind was gone and flute could clearly be heard. Out of reflex Luther and Tolwen both drew their swords as a dark figure appeared from the trees.

The figure was of a tall man wearing dark purple wool and black leather robe and hood. The man wore on sword or knife that was seen only the flute held up to his mouth the sound still pouring from the instrument. The man walked up to Luther and Tolwen stopping just a few feet away from them. Removing the flute from his mouth with one hand and brushing the hood back from his head with the other.
The stranger smiled and looked down at Tolwen, “I thought I felt another wizard nearby I had no idea it would be you Tolwen.”
Tolwen bite his lip as he talked to Komaris, “I felt your presence too Komaris, I thought you long time dead!”
Komaris swiped his arm in front of himself, “You know you can’t kill me little wizard.”
“I was not the one that tried to kill you.”
“I know that”, Komaris laughed, “To think one such as yourself would even dare try is a joke.”
“What do you want Komaris?”
“Want? I want for nothing, surely nothing you have.”
Luther stepped forward,”My friend asked what you wanted wizard?”
Komaris smiled again, “Easy mortal, royal robs or not I look upon you as a pleasant, beneath me.”
Tolwen stepped up between Komaris and Luther, “This is between you and me, Komaris leave my friend out of this.”
Komaris smirked, “Indeed, Tolwen this is between us but he travels with you and tries to protect you so he shall face the same fate as you. For now I will be content to watch and see how you handle my challenges. With that Komaris snapped his fingers and ted himself into a puff of black smoke that faded with the breeze.
Luther lowered his sword, “Well, that went well.”
“Do not mock Komaris, he is very powerful and very evil, and he has no time for mortals.”
“So I noticed.”
Tolwen slid his sword back into its sheath, “We better get moving, maybe if we get far enough away Komaris will t his attention to someone else.”
Luther stopped Tolwen, “Why don’t we just use the traveler stone and get far away?”
Tolwen pulled the stone from his robs recited an incantation but nothing happened. “Try again”, Luther said. Again Tolwen recited the incantation but again nothing happened.
 Tolwen said, “Komaris must be blocking the power of the stone!”
“Is that even possible? Maybe its broke!”
Tolwen shook his head.”No it’s Komaris, we have to move and move now.”

The two travelers began walking down the path through the trees. The path was uneven and full of rocks but the two pushed on. Soon the path narrowed and the tree roots added to the roughness of the trail. As fast as the two tried to go they were forced to slow down to avoid tripping over roots and rocks.
Luther finally asked, “So who is this Komaris guy?”
Komaris is a wizard from my youth, we were rivals for the hand of a young lady but, Komaris killed her rather than see her with me.”
“I am sorry Tolwen, I didn’t know.”
“Yes, well it was a long time ago time as passed to heal the wound.”
“I saw the way you looked at Komaris, my friend, that wound is far from healed.”
Tolwen dared not look at his friend for fear he would see the tears in his eyes, “Komaris is very dangerous we must push on.”

As the day pushed on the trail did not get any easier and even the trees seemed to be working against the travelers branches hung low and the ground seemed to all be up hill. Foot after foot the two continued to push onward. Finally they came to a clearing and they took the chance to rest a moment before moving on.
Luther asked.”How about some berries or roots to eat?”
Tolwen waved his arm and two bowls of roots and berries appeared. Luther wasted on time digging in. Luther took one bite but quickly spit it out, “Oh, that’s sorer.”
Tolwen tried a root from the other bowl but quickly spit his out too, “This is nitter root it should be sweet. Must be Komaris.”
“Can he make all the roots bitter?”
“No, I think he’s making us think they are bitter.”
Luther sat his bowl down, “Damn wizard.” Looking at Tolwen, “Nothing personal.”
Tolwen smiled, “None taken my friend. We better get going this is going to be a long day.”
The two struggled to their feet and again began their walk. This time Tolwen recited an incantation over and over and the path was a little more even and the tree roots not as many as they had been.
“Tolwen, just how far do you figure we have to get away from Komaris before he looks elsewhere?”
“That’s a good question.”

As they pushed on the tree branches began to block their path and the two drew their swords and began hacking their way through branches. Hour after hour they pressed on then suddenly there was a huge clearance with a single dark tree in the center.
Tolwen whispered, “I don’t like this. Be ready.” Tolwen adjusted the grip on his sword.”
Then a figure stepped out from behind the tree trunk, the figure of Komaris.
“Going somewhere little wizard?”
“As far away from you as we can get.” Tolwen said.
“What and miss all the fun?”
Luther said, “Leave us alone Komaris.”
Komaris smiled and gestured toward the travelers and bolts of lightning shot from his fingertips. Tolwen steadied himself and absorbed the lightning into his open palm. Then with the wave of his sword he casted the lightning bolts back towards Komaris. Komaris stepped aside and the lightning struck the tree and the tree started on fire. Komaris swung his right arm over his head and in his palm a glowing yellow ball of fire appeared. With a full arched swing Komaris pitched the fire ball at Tolwen pulled his cloak in front of his to block the fire ball which sizzled and faded as it touched Tolwen’s cloak. From behind the cloak Tolwen reappeared with a hand full of green powder. Tolwen held the hand full of powder up and blew on the powder sending a green cloud towards Komaris. Komaris snapped his finger and disappeared in a puff of black smoke before the green cloud could reach him.
Luther patted Tolwen on the shoulder, “I have under estimated you my friend and still surprise me with your talent.”
“Don’t be too happy Luther that was just round one Komaris has other tricks up his sleeves.”
Luther looked confused at his friend, “Yes but you bested him.”
“For now, but he’ll be back and next time he will be better prepared.”
“Then we get prepared too.”
Tolwen looked up at his friend, “Yes perhaps there is a way to prepare.” Tolwen reached inside his cloak and produced the traveler’s stone. “Take this and go to the far end of the clearing, rub the stone three times in a circular motion and think of Gulin’s forest.”
“We already tried this and you said Komaris was blocking the power.”
“I have a feeling it will work for you Komaris has little interest in you, it’s me he wants.”
“I’m not going to leave you behind!”
“Gulin can help me defeat Komaris you will be going to get help, there’s a difference.”
Luther suddenly realized how much he would miss Tolwen and how much of a friend Tolwen had become.”
Luther shook hands with Tolwen and went to the far side on the clearance, rubbed the stone and disappeared.

Tolwen cleared his throat and headed for the small opening in the trees that was the path, with his sword he continued to hack his way through the underbrush that blocked the path. This continued for an hour or so then Tolwen found himself stepping out of the brush to the edge of the woods. Night was falling but Tolwen pressed on. The path was smooth and Tolwen made good progress. This made Tolwen more warily for now he was in the opening and Komaris could attack from any direction.

Just before the light was gone for the day Tolwen felt a cold shiver down his spine. Tolwen ted around in time to whisper of black smoke fly past him. Tolwen ted to face the next attack and it quickly came from the north. Tolwen pointed to the smoke and recited an incantation; Komaris appeared from the cloud of smoke tumbling several times before landing face down in the dirt.
Komaris got to his feet spitting dirt from his mouth, “You useless little insect I’ll squash you like the ant you are.”

Tolwen stomped his foot and point at Komaris, recited a incantation and the ground shook and a crack appeared under Komaris causing him to jump to one side and role to the ground and back up to his feet.
 Komaris gestured towards Tolwen and Tolwen went flying backwards to the ground. Tolwen responded by gesturing towards Komaris and pointing upwards. Komaris rose off the ground and flew over Tolwen’s head to land face first on the ground. Both wizards got to their feet and readied themselves for the next attack. Komaris struck first by gesturing to the ground at Tolwen’s feet and root appeared wrapping themselves around Tolwen’s feet and legs. Tolwen produced a yellow powder and shook it on the roots, the roots disappeared.

Komaris ran towards Tolwen and Tolwen readied himself for the hit. As Komaris ran he ted into a puff of smoke and flew through the air. Tolwen recited an incantation and drew his sword then sliced through the smoke as it came upon him. Komaris appeared standing in front of Tolwen with the sword sticking out of his abdomen. Komaris stumbled backwards and then fell backwards clutching the sword, “No, this cannot be.”
“Tolwen reached inside his cloak and produced some green powder, walked up to Komaris and blew the green powder over Komaris. Komaris screamed as the powder landed on him and he slowly melted into a puddle of green ooze.

A bright flash of orange light filled the night’s sky and then disappeared leaving Luther and Gulin standing in its fading glow. Luther ran to Tolwen’s side with Gulin walking up to the two travelers. Luther asked looking down at the green puddle, “Is that Komaris?”
Tolwen answered, “Yes, I was able to reduce him to this form but I have a feeling he’ll be back.”
“From that, how could he?”
Gulin now standing beside Luther and Tolwen answered the question, “He is a wizard and this form will surely not stop him but there is a way to contain him.”
Gulin whispered a few words and clay urn appeared in his hand. Gulin knelt beside the puddle and recited an incantation and the ooze poured upwards into the urn. When the puddle had filled the urn Gulin placed the lid on the urn and screwed it on tight.
“We won’t have to worry about Komaris now the urn is enchanted and even his power will not release him from the urn.”
Luther asked, “Where are you going to put the urn for safe keeping?”
Gulin smiled, “I have a place back in my forest that will keep him safe and sound.”
Tolwen smiled, “Thank you Gulin, and thank you Luther bringing our friend to us just when I needed him.”
Gulin placed his free hand on Tolwen’s shoulder, “Any time my friend besides looks to me that you were doing very well on your own.”
Tolwen nodded, “Komaris is a powerful wizard I would not like to face him again.”
“Do not worry I will watch over the urn and he will stay there for a very long time.”

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